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Guide for Authors


Nanostructured Materials Application and Innovation Transfers

The official journal of the National Coordination Council on Nanotechnologies (NCCNT)
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The journal “Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer” (NSNT) publishes  extended abstracts, short communications, full-length research papers and reviews: studies such as modeling of processes for nanomaterials production and simulations of nanostructure design and properties; as well as experimental investigations in many areas of nanotechnology-thin films, multi-layered structures, nanocomposites, nanophases in bulk materials, bio-nano products and processes, micro- and nano-engineering, etc. Papers concerning hot topics of the day in the field of nanotechnology and nanosociety worldwide.

All articles published in NSNT are Open-Access articles distributed  under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) . NSNT is free to read,  download and distribute.

Article processing charge (APC) is currently waived for all authors.



General remarks: Manuscripts are submitted in English. The text must be prepared in A4 format using Times New Roman font size 11, normal character spacing, using margins of 2 cm on all sides. The manuscript including photographs, tables, drawings, formulae, etc. should be: 

  • minimum 4 pages for extended abstracts, short communications,
  • minimum 5 pages for research papers
  • minimum 8 pages for reviews

The title page comprises headline, author(s)’ names and affiliations. Attention is drawn to the following:

  • The title of the manuscript should reflect concisely the purpose and findings of the work. Abbreviations, symbols, chemical formulae, references, and footnotes should be avoided. If indispensable, abbreviations and formulae should be given in parentheses immediately after the respective full form.
  • The author(s)’ names should be given as follows: First name in full, Middle name(s) with initials and Last name in full. The author to whom correspondence and/or inquiries should be sent must be indicated by an asterisk (*). 
  • The affiliation of the author(s) should be listed in detail (no abbreviations!). The affiliation of the corresponding author must include his/her e-mail address.

The abstract is strongly required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. It should be self-explanatory and intelligible without any references to the text and must not exceed 1500 characters (with spaces).

The keywords should be up to eight.

Footnotes should be reduced to a minimum. Each footnote should be typed normally spaced at the bottom of the page, on which its subject is first mentioned. 

The body of the article should be subdivided into labeled sections, e.g. Introduction, Experimental, Results аnd Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Declaration of Interest, References etc.  The tables, figures, schemes, equations, etc. should be embedded in the text within close proximity to where they are cited first. The following format should be used when figures, equations, etc. are referred to the text (followed by the respective numbers): Fig., Eqn., Table, Scheme.

  • Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals on the table left-hand top. The table number and table title are part of the table placed on the table left-hand top. Each table should be referred to in the text. Column headings should be as short as possible but they must define units unambiguously. The units are to be separated from the preceding symbols by a comma or brackets. 
  • Schemes and figures. Each manuscript should contain or be accompanied by the respective illustrative material, as well as by the respective figure captions. As far as the presentation of units is concerned, SI units are to be used. However, some non-SI units are also acceptable, such as °C, ml, l, etc. Avoid using more than 6 (12 for review articles) figures in the manuscript. During the submission process you also will be asked to upload to the system the original figures presented in *.tif, or *.jpg, min 400 dpi. . Care must be taken to ensure that all axis titles, numbers, legend (s) and texts are legible.
  • The equations should be written using “Equation Editor” and chemical reaction schemes are written using ISIS Draw or ChemDraw programme.

Acknowledgements may include details of all funding sources for the work in question, substantive contributions of individuals, who do not qualify for authorship status or institutions which provided help during the research. Funding sources may be given in a separate section entitled 'Funding'. 

Declaration of interest: A competing interests statement must be provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare. Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed to the editors. These include personal, intellectual, academic, political, financial and commercial gains. If there are no competing interests to declare, authors should include a statement to the article to confirm that there are no relevant financial or non-financial competing interests to report.

Note: Please submit your filled in declaration as last two pages of your manuscript. You can download the declaration form here.

References should be numbered sequentially in the order in which they are cited in the text. The numbers in the text should be enclosed in brackets [2], [5, 6], [9-12], etc., set on the text line. References are to be listed in numerical order on a separate sheet. All references are to be given in Latin letters. The names of the authors are given with inversion (last name followed by first name and middle name initials). Titles of journals may be abbreviated according to Chemical Abstracts and given in italics, followed by the volume number typed in bold, the year of publishing in parentheses, the initial and last page numbers, and full-length DOI link if available. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication. Note: a) The names of all authors of a certain publication should be given in the list of references. The use of “et al.” is not acceptable; b) When citing in the text, the reference to the author(s) of cited works should be made without giving initials, e.g. “Bush and Smith [7] pioneered...”. If the reference carries the names of three or more authors it should be quoted as “Bush et al. [7]”, if Bush is the first author, or as “Bush and co-workers [7]”, if Bush is the senior author.



  1. Bak P., Tang C., Wiesenfeld K., Phys. Rev. Lett. 59 (1987) 381-389,
  2. Aharony A., Fractal Growth, in: Fractals and Disordered Systems, Eds. A. Bunde and S. Haven, Springer, Berlin, 1996) pp. 177-200, ISBN: 978-3-642-84868-1,
  3. Huang K., Statistical Mechanics (Wiley, New York, 1987), pp. 121-128, ISBN: 978-0-471-81518-1
  4. Kishimoto T. et al., Separator for alkali-zinc battery, US Patent 5 547 779 (1996)
  5., Accessed 21 July 2021
  6. Islam S., Polymer Nano-Dielectrics for High Density Energy Storage, Doctoral dissertation University of South Carolina, USA,


Texts with references that do not match these requirements will not be considered for publication!!!

The authors are required to submit the text with a list of three individuals and their e-mail addresses that can be considered by the Editors as potential reviewers. Please note that the reviewers should be outside the authors’ own institution or organization. We ask authors not to nominate reviewers which have financial or non-financial competing interest. The Editorial Board of the journal is not obliged to accept these proposals.


Submission Checklist


  1. Read the Scope and Topics to gain an overview and assess if your manuscript is suitable for this journal;
  2. Мake sure that issues about publications ethicscopyrightauthorshipdeclaration of interesttext, figuredata and references format, have been appropriately considered;
  3. Check you have prepared your manuscript file with embedded all tables, figures, schemes, equations, etc. and added your filled in Declaration of interest as last page of the manuscript
  4. Check you have prepared all figures as separate files in *.tif, or *.jpg, min 400 dpi
  5. Ensure that all authors have approved the content of the submitted manuscript.
  6. Ensure you are the corresponding author that have the rights to submit the manuscript
  7. Be advised to refer to the Author Help from the “Help“ section of the menu bar during submission process