Electrochemical Studies of Zinc Electrode for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Systems
E. Mihaylova-Dimitrova, B. Burdin, E. Mladenova, B. Abrashev, M. Slavova, D. Vladikova
NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY: Nanostructured Materials Application and Innovation Transfers, Volume 19, Number 2, 2019
Article ID
Electrochemical Studies of Zinc Electrode for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Systems
Author(s), Affiliation(s)
E. Mihaylova-Dimitrova, Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
B. Burdin, Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
E. Mladenova, Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
B. Abrashev, Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
M. Slavova, Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
D. Vladikova, Acad. Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Rechargeable Zn-air system, Zn-electrode, Impedance measurements, Charge/discharge cycling
This article aims at improving the zinc electrode in terms of mechanical strength and number of cycles. An optimization of the ratio ZnO/Zn and the current collector was performed. For its evaluation impedance spectroscopy was used. The obtained results show improvement of the charge/discharge cycling in comparison with the non-optimized Zn-electrode. For the first 200 cycles the system operates without capacity change. For 800 cycles the capacity decreases with 30 %.
This work was supported by the Bulgarian NSF under grant agreement Kll-06-H27/15 and the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructure (2017-2023): Research Infrastructure Energy Storage and Hydrogen Energetics NI SEVE, grant agreement ,l.01-160/28.08.18.
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How to be cited
E. Mihaylova-Dimitrova, B. Burdin, E. Mladenova, B. Abrashev, M. Slavova, D. Vladikova, Electrochemical Studies Of Zinc Electrode For Rechargeable Zinc-Air Systems, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 19, .N 2 (2019) pp. 19-21
3 August 2021
Date Published
18 October 2021
Article's URL
Corresponding author
Elena Mihaylova-Dimitrova, nsnt2@iees.bas.bg
Journal Metrics
- ISSN 1313-8995 (print)
- ISSN 2738-8743 (online)
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